Saturday, March 15, 2008

....a new post....

Ok so sense ryan asked for a new post because of his brothers misfortune, i guess i have to have a new post so here it is.

i cant really think of anything special thats happened in my life so lets just give a quick update on whats going on in my life....i now play tennis with catie and atalie, its alot of fun. im going to mexico over spring break with my youth group and its going to be really crazy cause i have a huge project for english due RIGHT after i get home which means that i have to finnish it before i leave which means i have to start on it right now which means i have no time to do any of the other stuff i want to do. man that was a long sentence. =) so mexico, tennis....ummm.....ya, im sorry but thats pretty much it. oh ya. yesterday i went to go check out nordquest(its a dance place) and it was incredible. there were about 1000 people there, all in suits and ball gowns dancing all these really cool dances. i was very impressed. so yup thats about it.
theres your post ryan.

Princess Pink


Drama Queen said...

A POST!! INCREDIBAL!!!! You gonna start taking dance lessons? btw, u forgot to mention how wonderfully talented we are at tennis!!!! jk :P

Big Red said...

i knew it, i knew that some day i would make a difference in someone's life (however small) and that someday u would post. I was mor sure about the firs thing tho ;) dancing, eh? I went Ellington Hall a ways back, like a year ago. I went about three times, it was fun, just never went back, yet.

Thrawn said...

Wow, Ryan inspired a post.. ;)
I honestly don't know how anyone can do tennis. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun sport, but (for me) it's hecka hard..
BTW, Ryan, Nordquest is a "little" different then Elington Hall.. Both are fun (from what I hear) but different none the less.

Big Red said...

i didn't say they were the same, did I? at least i don't remember saying that. oh wait, [reading my comment] no i didn't. stop putting words in my mouth.
btw, hav u ever been to Ellington or Nordquist?

Thrawn said...

Putting words in your mouth? Never... ;D You made the connection between Nordquest and Ellington Hall, and I was just making sure you weren't misinformed.

Yeah, I've been to both but each time I was only there to observe.. I'll probably go to Ellington Hall (to actually participate) 'sometime' in the future.

Big Red said...

misinformed? me? never. ;) u should go, i've been meaning to go back sometime, i just never have...

the only drawback is that in the beginning there's a lesson, and u hav 2 dance with every girl, or guy if u r a girl, when ur doing the lesson. its like a rotation. of course, i don't Want 2 dance with every girl. especially when i had to practice with this girl that was twice my size in heighth and width... but that's a story for another time...

Drama Queen said...

why is it that you two are always commenting back in forth on all the blogs? you should create a blog for the purpose of commenting back and forth btween u two. :P

Thrawn said...

Point taken... I'm done off-topicing.

Imperator said...

That's good to know.

Big Red said...

its becuz we r so... what do want to call it? argumentative? and since no one else comments, we do it for u.

pink princess said...

so topic. whats everyone doing over spring break

oh and catie, as to the first post, yes, catie is wonderfully talented i however am sadly lacking in the skills she so naturally possess's. happy catie? ;)

Drama Queen said...

why thank you kayla...but i was kidding bout u mentioning that. seriously, neither of us r that good :D

Stephanie said...

Have a great time in Mexico! Praying for you! So are you going to Nordquest or just watching?

Imperator said...

I don't get a spring break...

Wow, so both of you are going to mexico, Is this a thing your church does every year?

Big Red said...

yes it is... i'm not going tho

Thrawn said...

I think everyone that was going left this morning at seven..ish.. have fun with that!

Imperator, you don't get spring break? As in you don't understand it, or you don't have it?

Yeah, I couldn't go because of three things... My sister is having her baby in AZ, my brother is having a concert here in CA, and I have far to much homework.

Big Red said...

yeah, i'm kinda glad i'm not going, it'll give me a chance 2 catch up on school rather than fall behind on it

Imperator said...

No, I understand it, but I never get time off.

Debater said...

I don't get spring break (sorta obvious since jonah doesn't get one) But I usually have too much schoolwork to take off...

pink princess said...

ya mexico was fun. u should hav gone ryan

Big Red said...

well, i was sick the entire week u guys were gone, so i'm actually glad i didn't go, just for that reason. maybe i'll go next year.

pink princess said...

aww im sorry. my bro got really sick the day before we got home. ok next year.

Thrawn said...

And someone, either ryan or someone from Mexico, gave it to me, which made my trip to AZ all the more fun.. ;)

pink princess said...

oh im sorry. so did u go to AZ when we went to mexico?

pink princess said...

isnt my kitty cute?

Thrawn said...

I was supposed to go then, but ended up leaving the day after you guys got back...

I remember when that cat was mini... way back when I was Justin's partner.

pink princess said...

oh i see.

yup he used to be pritty tiny.

Big Red said...

i'm requesting a new post ;)

Thrawn said...

Seconded... if that's a word...