Saturday, December 15, 2007

Beth's home!!!!

As you can most likely gather from the title, my sister Beth is home from college. She's only home for a little while though, *tear* and will soon, as of this tuesday be going to the San Fransisco airport(i think) to be getting on a plane to Ecuador. She is going to be spending her whole 5 weeks of christmas break down in south america in a country named Ecuador in a town called pifo with the Baez family. Two summers ago our whole family(and the rowlands family) went down with other families from our church on a ten day mission trip. The men and boys helped build and construct a new classroom, while everyone else ran a 4-5 day VBS for over 400 mexican children. It was so much fun, even though i had no idea what the heck they were saying. Almost everybody came home sick, but it was worth it to look back and see the things we had accomplished and the lives we had touched. And now my sister is going back, by herself to get better at espanual( thats spanish for those of u who didnt understand) = ).

Pink Princess


Drama Queen said...

wow, her christmas vacation is LONG! I wish i had the long of a break. do u wish u were going to ecuador w/ her?

Imperator said...

Thats good

Thrawn said...

That's cool. My sister is visiting from college as well, so I can understand how that is. Christmas in south america... that would be an experience.

micheller said...

i bet she will have a blast kayla!! i know i would!

micheller said...

um kayla....

'we did VBS for 400 MEXICAN kids'??

Wow! the flight tickets to transport all those mexican children from mexico to equador and then do VBS for them must have been very pricy!

ur such a blond....

Imperator said...

Agreed, but Catie and Atalie might take offense to that.

Drama Queen said...

aww, i dont mind, as long as the person called a blonde isnt actually blonde. thus, she must take it as a compliment rather than an insult to have such beautiful hair. :p

pink princess said...

wait wat? i was saying that while we were down in ecuador with families from our church we did vbs for all the kids there. why am i such a blond?

Debater said...


Michelle explained. You must have flown 400 mexican kids to ecuador according to your post.

Meaning that the correct term would be ecuadorian...

Because mexican kids live in mexico and not in ecuador

Big Red said...

u know what she meant, she meant spanish kids or ecuadorian or whatever. she's not blonde becuz she put mexican, it was just an error. besides, all teenage girls hav their blond moments... ;)

Thrawn said...

I think I'm gonna stay silent on this one.. simply because I always thought Ecuador was apart of Mexico...

Time for me to go back to 1st grade geography..

micheller said...

Whatever ryan, i am not gonna argue with you. Not in the sense that i agree with you....but anyways.

And your implying that teenage guys DONT have blond moments?

Big Red said...

of course not. guys don't hav blonde moments. blonde moments r strictyl a girl thing. :D

Thrawn said...

Girls have blonde moments..

Guys are always missinformed..


Drama Queen said...

ryan, she was blonde cause she typed in mexican kids rather than ecuadorian kids. and she was even blonder for not noticing her mistake after michelle kindly pointed it out. Thus, due to the reasoning listed above, Kayla is a grade A blonde. (Now if she actually had blonde hair, she would be an A+ =p

Big Red said...

u know what? i give up, i don't care just hav it ur way. :p and Laz is rite, misinformed. not blonde. :)

pink princess said...

omgosh!! who cares! mexican, spanish, ecuadorian, they're all the same thing! they're all hispanic.
thanx ryan. appriciate u tryin.

Big Red said...

that's all i can really do. these people don't let up, they sink their teeth into ur neck and don't let go until u give up. sheesh. ;) no i'm kidding, who cares anyway?

Thrawn said...

Bit of a violent way to put it, Ryan. But true I suppose..

Big Red said...

i'd say it was vividly descriptive... but whatever. and it is true.

pink princess said...

vivedly discriptive. yup, tat about says it.

Hol said...

Psh. You guys are such debaters...
