Thursday, November 8, 2007

Funny things that happen at School

Well, by monday i'll actually have something interesting to post about cause i'm going to help out at hartstone(a bible camp) but i guess until then i'll tell y'all about some things that have been going on at school.

There were two things that i found worth my while to post about so this is going to be a very short post.

The first thing happened in science yesterday. Because we don't have school tomorrow, fridays schedual was moved to wed, which means that i had an hour and a half, or something like that, of english, bible and science. Of the three science is by far my favorite class, not because it's easy, cause believe me, it's not, but because the teacher lets us basically do anything we want. Now sometimes, him being so lenient causes major problems. So, a couple days ago, we got a new seating charter. Now, i like my seat in the very back corner next to the door very much, so i came up with a good enough reason to be allowed to remain in my seat. I now sit with a guy in front of me that always asks THE randomest questions in the history of mankind, and a guy beside me that always finds the wierdest ways to entertain himself. Not a very good combo to be stuck between. But i've gotten used to it now, and it's not so bad. OK so i dont know why, but for some reason, everyone says that i laugh ALL the time. Sometimes, that can get me in trouble, not only with teachers but also with fellow students. So there i am, sitting in the back corner of the room, laughing about something, i dont remember what, when one of my friends gets up and comes across the room to throw something away in the trash can next to me. "You laugh to much Kayla." she told me. In the middle of the period, the teacher allowed us a break to do whatever we wanted. The same friend came over with a water bottle and while i was laughing about something said, "Dont make me do this." i continued laughing because i knew that she wouldn't actually poor water over me. Wrong. My laughter, and the laughter of those around me imdiately vanished when i felt cold water gushing over my head and down my back. Luckily it missed the front of my shirt, but my back, and by this time, jeans, were soaked.
Everyone looked at me to see what i would do. Not wanting to cause friction between my friends, i just laughed and said nothing to the person who had drenched me. So, that was kinda funny. The second thing that happened happened to me today in chapel. I had a short sleeved shirt on, but a big furry jacket on over it. I had completely forgotten that hoods, which i had, were not allowed in chapel, so i had to take mine off. As the speaker was speaking, i moved down in my seat and drapped my coat across me. Slowly, my eyes began to close and, as you can probably guess, i fell asleep. I was in the middle of a strange dream when i felt something brushing under my nose. It freaked me out and i jumped so bad that all the people in my row and the row behind me started cracking up. (remember this is IN chapel) Teachers all around us started turning around to stare at us, so everyone started coughing to cover their laughter. As we were leaving, these were some of the coments i recieved. "What happened?....Dude, are you ok?....Oh my gosh! It looked like you were having a spasam!....(hahahaha) You should have seen how high you jumped!....Oh wow, your eyes got SO big!....I wish you could have seen the look on your face..." along with others i've forgotten. So those are some of the funny things that happened to me at school. = )

Princess Pink


Imperator said...

Funny they may be, But I wouldn't want that to happen to me.

pink princess said...

yah, im just able to look back and laugh. at the time it wasnt funny, but now i think it is.

Thrawn said...

I would hate for that to have happened to me.. but I would see how it would be funny to look back on.

Now, the only question is.. what brushed under your nose?? :D

Debater said...

Funny, yet embarrasing. You seem to take it well...

I don't think laughing alot is that bad- it just shows you have a sense of humor...

have fun this weekend...

Drama Queen said...

lol, ur so blonde Kayla, (no offense to real blondes intended :D) I bet you have a lot more stories of even stupider things happening.

micheller said...

Yah..........she does.....................>:D!!!!!

pink princess said...

shut it michelle

micheller said...

sry! lol, im laughing right now! monkeys and iceboxes...ring any bells? :D

pink princess said...

oh be quiet. i can think of plenty for you too

micheller said...

Yah, i know.....

we BOTH have a lot of good black mail stories and pictures.

Thrawn said...

Black Mail??? Threats???

Change of subject anyone? :D

pink princess said...

i agree. so wats new everybody?

Imperator said...

I don't know. Debatewise, I just got back from Clash on Varsity. It was fun.

Big Red said...

i bet ur eyes got big. u do laugh a lot but that's a good thing. embarassing moments r so fun 2 look back on aren't they?

Drama Queen said...

u giving up on the bloggersphere?

pink princess said...

no catie, i just dont have anything interesting to post about.

Da man said...

nice post, does stuff like that happen 2 u all the time at school?

Imperator said...

'Da man'????? Is this Tim or someone else????

Debater said...

Geez, guys (moreover girls) what's the big deal? Do you enjoy exadgerating eachothers embarassments? Niether of you are stupid, but then again, I didn't know any of you could be so mean or trite. ("shut it?" Blackmail? so unlady like.

I dunno if I'm late on this conversation. you should post more. It'd be more interesting than nothing.

Da man might still be ryan, I would agree and say tim if tim were on blogspot again. but it doesn't sound like tim to say that, it sound more like ryan.

Thrawn said...

'Da Man' strikes once again... or rather comments.

How was the hartstone camp you mentioned at the beggening of the post??

Drama Queen said...

hey, da man...i thought ur intrests were checking out imf!?!? r u forgeting something????? Seriously, whowever da man is, u can just quit with the anonymous profile thingy. ur not fooling anyone into thinking ur someone we don't know.

pink princess said...

yes, stuff like that happens ALL the time to me.
well, i was going to post about hartstone, but drama queen pretty much covered it. so now i cant think up anything else to post on.

Thrawn said...

Intresting blog you have...

The People's Mayor said...

Interesting, Javert? What right have you to nose in other people's buisness?

Thrawn said...

Okay guys, keep the alias's on IMF. Don't spam everyones blogs with the characters that everyone has taken too far.

The People's Mayor said...

To my understanding, IMF is not alias center.

Big Red said...

ha! hav u looked at it lately? o rite u hav, becuz ur 1 of them

pink princess said...

thank you thrawn i was just about to say the same thing. i dont care who the heck da man, the inspecter, or the peoples mayor is, keep away from my blog. it isnt even funny or entertaining anymore tat u are going around commenting on peoples blog just to get them riled up. its annoying, rude, and to put it bluntly, ur ticking me off. so dont ever comment on my blog again.

Big Red said...

yikes, Kayla's mad! everybody run! jk :) don't take me seriously, unless i'm being serious, and then i still wouldn't advise it.

It's jonah, i know it. and kayla's rite, u should stop...

micheller said...


*people scramble to find some sort of hiding place before the wrath of kayla is unleashed*

Big Red said...

ha ha! i luv it. =D

Thrawn said...

Wrath of Kayla?!?


Only Kidding :D

and Ryan, I'll be sure not to take you seriously, unless your being serious, which I yet have to see...

Debater said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pink princess said...

ahahahahahahahaha! tat was so funny. love the comments big red and michelle left. very funny. = )

The People's Mayor said...

oops. looks like I came to the wrong place for aliases...Kayla's wrath...

Drama Queen said...

no biggy. i can handle kayla's wrath. MWAHAHAAAA!!!!!

pink princess said...

funny catie

Drama Queen said...

do u deny it?

pink princess said...

no duh

Drama Queen said...


micheller said...

hate to be repetitive (espically when i dont even know how to spell it)but kayla.......POST

Drama Queen said...

why don't u put up all those pic's of us at heartstone??? :p

pink princess said...

michelle already told me i couldnt