Sunday, July 22, 2007


Hello all.

As some of you know i just got back from hartstone bible camp. I worked there for a week (volunteer work) and had a great time. My mom drove me and a friend up sunday afternoon. Monday morning came and with it a wake up call at 6:00am. ( we were supposed to be in the kitchen by 6:30. =P) After making breakfast for about over 80 people there was dishes. Lots and lots of them with no one that had time to wash them except for me. After i finnished dishes we were given a plate of breakfast and then pushed outside for devos. Right after devotions it was back to work preparing lunch. When my friend and i had finally finnished dishes we got an hour, maybe 2 before we had to go do snack shack. By the end of the day, i was exausted but happy. I wasn't asked to do breakfast again until the last day. The second day, i think it was, i was on break and was utterly bored. Now some of you might be thinking, what in the world is wrong with this girl?? She has been working all morning and afternoon and now that she has a break she's bored! Well i just have this problem that i have to be doing something. So i called my mom and asked her to pray for me that i would have a good attitude and that i would be able to find something to do with myself. The next day, we went rafting down the river and the day after that we descovered bikes. After that second day i wasn't bored again. =) God answers prayers. The last day i was there we had to clean the whole camp which included all the cabins that had been used, the kitchen, and the gym. No small task. But we got it done and everything looked great.

Princess Pink


Imperator said...

Hmm. Well thats good you had a good attitude. I just got back from camp also, But I wasn't helping out. It was a boy scout camp, So I hated it. I still was able to beat a few kids which was fun.

Thrawn said...

Being bored on your break? That's a new one...

Imperator, You beat some kids up?

pink princess said...

good grief imperator!!! why in the world would you beat up some poor defensless child????

well, i had apsolutely nothing to i was just a tad bit bored

Imperator said...

They are brats! Smart aleks! Athiests! Imbiciles! And they say They know more about history then me and I am an Amateur! AND THAT THEY ARE A PRO! I HATE THEM!!!! I WANT THEIR HEADS! MY MOTHER DOSN'T LIKE THEM AND SHE IS A CHILDERN"S DIRECTOR AT CHURCH!

Thrawn said...

It's a good thing your such a peacefull and non-violent guy, imperator. :D

Apsolutely nothing to do? Well, I guess that makes sense then.. Good thing the whole week wasn't like that.

Imperator said...


pink princess said...

next time that happens just tell them to be thankful that u put up with them and their imature remarks(not that that is wat jesus would do.....)

yah after that first day i didn't really hav time to be bored

Imperator said...

Yeah I say that but I hate them none the less. Oh, I don't exactly beat them up. I just wack them with my Spiked stick. (Again not what Jesus would do that but...)

Imperator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pink princess said...

my goodness!!!! those poor children!!

Imperator said...


Thrawn said...

Imperator, your logic is beyond me...

Hol said...

"Well i just have this problem that i have to be doing something"

I feel for ya, sis! I have a job as a waitress now, and whenever all the tables in my section have what they need (and before they ask for dessert) I wander aimlessly around the "in" and "out" doors until I go crazy! =D God has an awesome way of answering prayers though =D.

Imperator said...

Where are you a waitress? Are you one of the "Happy birthday People" at Chevy's?

pink princess said...

no way!! congrats on ur new job hol!!! what's it like? is it fun??

Imperator said...


Hol said...

It's at a retirement home (so no tips and, fortunately, no singing either, hehe). Speaking of birthdays, last week I was there during someone's 100th birthday party.

And yes, it is very fun. I really love my job :)

Drama Queen said...

Cool! how old do you have to be to work there?? Hi kayla, glad you had a good week, and imperator, i am with Kayla and thrawn on the beating up of little kids debate.

pink princess said...

thank you catie

Hol said...

Well they took me (at 15) and even the manager said "We usually don't take them so young..." so I'd say 16 or close to it.

Stephanie said...

Hey there - I think it is super cool you worked there! That is awesome! Way to serve!!!!!!! I am so glad I got to see you Sunday morning! Miss you!

Imperator said...

They are not little kids! They are older than me! two years older!

pink princess said...

your point?

Imperator said...

So I am not beating up on little kids so I am not picking on them, but I am just doing what any one else would do. I just wield the terrible sword of justice on these Immature, barbaric, smart-alecky, spoiled, unintelligent, liberal, atheist,un chivalrous kids who are in a coalition against me because I (think I) am the opposite.

Thrawn said...

Are we still talking about imperator beating up kids? I thought this ended about 10 days ago...

pink princess said...

yes well....