Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Day (7)

Catie hit me so many times with her pillow this morning!! I woke up to find her sitting in a chair beside my bed with a disgustingly cheerful smile pasted on her face. Danielle wanted to let me sleep in but, of course, Catie would not hear of it./ After passing out fliers around the newly built houses, Dereck picked us up and droce us to the condos. Danielle, Catie and I sprinted to as many condos as possable. Then we went back to 'Faith Community church' where we were given lunch. I wasn't hungry at all(because i had had over 9 cups of kettle corn in the car on the way to the church) so I sat i the church and journeled(sp?) a little./ Right after lunch we went to Idaho to visit the Napoleon Dynamite sites(which do not excite me at all). So I was stuck in the car for who knows how many hours while all of my friends took billions of pictures of the side walk where napoleon was riding pedros bike(well not really but they were taking alot of pictures). The movie sites where dull and uninteresting but idaho is very pretty. Then we went to 'Ruby Tuesdays' for diner where I got a side ceaser salad(that i took about 5 bites of) and a baked potatoe(that i at about half of). Then at last we drove home.

Princess Pink


Imperator said...

I hate Napoleon Dynamite, it disgraces a good Emperor's name. Sigh, glad you had fun in Utah! I am sorry my brother has feuds with you and Catie. Don't blame you for not eating lunch, Luches aat churches are AWFUL.

Stephanie said...

The lunch at the church wasn't bad at all - - - it was quite tasty :):):)

Drama Queen said...

I like that movie! and i had fun!

Imperator said...

You got to have a new post sometime soon!